Saturday, November 1, 2008

Breaking My Blog Cherry

So I have decided to create my own blog. I have decided to call my blog The Life of Power. Mostly because some of the other names I wanted were taken but in end I think I really like the name.

My name is Bryan Power. I am 39 years old. I own a fitness studio called PowerBodies and have been in the fitness industry for about 15 years now. The last few years I have been into running marathons. Recenty my girlfriend and I started an online coffee shop called Get The Bean . We sell coffee and try to fight cancer. I am also an actor(no not porno) and do independent films. You can go to Bumping Off Burt to check out one of the films I did.

I am very interested in politics and am a huge fan of RON PAUL. If you don't know who he is you can go to Campaign for Liberty to learn more. I also highly suggest his book The Revolution.

I believe in Jesus(I also recommend His book). By that I mean I believe He is exactly who He said He was. I am not religious. I believe that GOD is LOVE and that GOD wants nothing but the best for us and this world. Unfortunatley we mess it up. I also have great respect for Ghandi and Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Both were amazing men and accomplished so much through peaceful measures.

I am also into just about everything else. I am interesting in learning as much as I can about as many things as I can. Knowledge is POWER and I like POWER, I am POWER. Bryan Power to be exact. I look forward to seeing where this blogging journey will take me. I look forward to continuing to live The Life Of Power.


Meaghan said...

hi honey very good first post :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome Aboard!

nomo wino daph said...

Welcome!! I must say first that you have an AMAZING girlfriend- pretty sure you already knew that though:)

Love your blog name!

I was going to "follow" you (as M says you need folowers, lol) but it seems as though your blog is having the same issue as mine, that feature isn't always visible to all bloggers!! I will keep checking back though:)

Hope y'all have an awesome weekend!!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Welcome to our blog world. You will have so much fun! I can't follow you it want let. Tell Meaghan I said Hey!

Queen Bee

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Ah...maybe once my husband sees your blog he will finally say yes to one! I have been trying to get him to start one for a while.


Ash said...

Welcome! Any boyfriend of Meaghan's...


you know what I mean.

Welcome to this crazy world. Good luck getting out. I'm still looking for the exit sign, granted half-heartedly.


Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

I love the title of this post! HA!!

Welcome to the Blogger-hood. : )

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

You and Meaghan are quite an inspirational couple.

I have a soft spot for caregivers. :)

Looks like you two together make bee-yoo-tee-ful music or delicious coffee. Take your pick!

Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

AngiDe said...

Hey, thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway! Good luck!
You rock for adding me to your blog roll as well thanks! I'll be sure to cross my fingers for you so that you can gift Meaghan with a great new purse =)

"Nana's Box"

jmt said...

Stopping by on your girlfriend's instructions (via SITS). :) I like this first blog, you throw a lot into it...good impression to keep people wondering what you might write about. My husband is a Ron Paul fan, but he's voting for one of the two that will be winning tomorrow....I hope you do too!

HiHoOhio said...

why is your pumpkin not on YOUR blog too????????

Anonymous said...

Stopping by on your girlfriend's instructions... I love your blog and your movie sounds hilarious...

Unknown said...

Great intro post, but could I make a miniscule request? The spelling is "Gandhi", not "Ghandi". A lot of people have unintentionally learned the wrong spelling of his name and it just rattles me to no end each time I see it. Other than that, fantastic blog!